Parus Software

PARUS Ordering and Delivery Management Systems
Features list:


Keyboard driven (maintaining mouse functionality)
Select Customer from a converging list as the name is typed in
Fast catalogue search based on a word or part of word
Auto complete line with default values
Full Customer and Article details only one key stroke away
Programmable function keys for common product messages
Revise in Storeroom sequence to match packing notes
Order clipboard for order manipulation

Select the delivery date from a list of possible delivery dates specific to the customer including bank holiday reschedules
Customer on screen “Post-it” note shows any customer issues to be resolved.
Automatic selection of pricelist according to customer group.
Alert reports on unavailability and zero pricing

Customer Convenience
Order vegetables by weight or number (5 tomatoes or 500g)
Order meat by number AND weight (2 * 250g Steaks)
Order by pack
Multiple orders per customer can be held at one time
Customer standing orders
View and copy from old orders

Customer message per item and per order
Packhouse response per item and per order
Standing and Special Delivery instructions
Message to all customers on rounds
Message to all customers
Outstanding debt included on invoice (optional)
Periodic Statements (optional)
Telephone Dialler (if modem available)
Credit Notes

Unlimited number
Identified by name
Can be delivered on one or more days of the week
Temporarily reschedule or cancel during bank holidays
Customer schedule number fixes position on round
An important selection criteria for most reports

Boxes are expanded in reports so that their contents are included in reports such as the fulfilment list.
Vat apportioned when contents have mixed vat liabilities.

Packing lists are printed in storeroom order to avoid retracing steps
Delivery/Control Lists for listing boy details and loading the van in reverse delivery order
Payment Control
Single or accumulated debt cleared with a single mouse click
Under and over payments handled by carrying over debt/credit
Payment types cash, credit card, cheque and bad debt
Payment lists for banking and reconciliation
Export details to Sage or other PC packages
Supplier purchasing
Order using internal/suppliers codes
Automatically generated from the fulfilments list
Customer activity statement
Fulfilment list
Cross reference of products to customers
Product Sales per product over a selectable time period
Sales totals value and volume
Credits Control list credits
Phone list for regular customers
Phone list for lapsed customers


Sales order processing
The order taking/revising begins by entering the customer’s name. A list with all customers that match what has been typed appears. The list contains address and round details and so you can home in on the customer after a few keystrokes. After selecting a customer, a list of undelivered orders (if applicable) plus a "New" option appears. Select either an existing order to revise or "New" to start a new order. If “New” is selected a list of delivery possibilities for the next 6 weeks appears. Select one.
This system was developed to deliver a large range of fresh produce and other food items to customers on a regular basis. However the features that give the software its accuracy and efficiency are not dependent on the type of goods being sold and is suitable for other types of goods.

Before computers, this process was carried out by the creation of lists - which is a natural way of working to most people. Wherever possible, we show the lists because they are more natural to understand and work with.
Using this software, significant time savings are made and efficiencies improved with accurate lists, minimising entry and packing operator errors.Orders
An order is a combination of customer details and article details and so the system must maintain a list of both. An order can be taken or edited at any time up until it actually leaves the premises. After that it is “cleared” which means the value of the order is converted to a customers debt and the order itself is transferred to the archive where it can be viewed but not altered.
There is no limit to the number of orders that a customer can have open at any one time. It is quite common for a customer to have orders for several deliveries in advance especially at Christmas when some things have to be ordered well in advance.
Some article details depend on the type of customer i.e. retail prices and wholesale price lists.

Customers may be of different types (e.g. retailers, wholesalers, home delivery) and can therefore have different price lists. Each customer must only be assigned to one type. There is no limit to the number of customer types that can be created.
Delivery Rounds
Normally orders are dealt with by delivery round and so every customer belongs to at least one round. To make it easy to remember, rounds can be given a name such as “London Tuesday”. The name and delivery date of the round make a unique identifier which is used, for example when summarising the requirements to fulfil a particular round or rounds.
Every round has at least one delivery day of the week. The rounds can be organised in one of two ways or a mixture of both. A wholesale customer for example could have deliveries every day. For this type of customer, rounds may be organised as either 5 separate rounds with a single delivery day or one round that is delivered every day. The best organisation will depend on how other customers in the same area are delivered to.

Rounds may be cancelled or shifted temporarily to another date during bank holidays by simply ticking or filling in a rescheduled date on a list of rounds with their normal delivery dates.
To handle unusual situations like a special emergency delivery, individual orders can be easily swapped to another round so that all the delivery paperwork is in order. Prices.
Customers belong to a customer type for pricing and each type has its own prices set by the following method.
Each item has two prices. It must have a price for a single item and optionally a pack price. Most retailers give a discount for anybody buying a complete pack and so anything can be ordered simply "by the pack”. These prices are simply typed in.
As an alternative, there is a mechanism for setting prices automatically based on either the recommended retail price or the production cost. Just enter the price, indicate what sort of price it is and the item price will be calculated using a factor which you choose depending on the customer type.
Either method can be used for each item and so your prices can be set to suit.
This price selection ensures that the invoice price will be accurate without the sales operator having to make any sort of intervention. There is however still the opportunity of giving an additional percentage discount per item on the sales order.
Every article has a unique code which enables the computer to find it’s details when taking orders and preparing reports. Many common codes are quickly learnt but the system has a quick way of looking them up whenever required and always prints or displays the full product name with the code to avoid mistakes.
The code is also used to group products together when for example looking at sales records. The code is allocated by the user and so can be chosen to have a meaning to the individual business. The code can be six characters long and be any capital letters or number. It is advisable to split products into groups with an abbreviation i.e. "BF" for baby foods and a number to make it unique i.e. “BF12”
(Many items have bar codes which are and do the same job. (Barcodes are all just long numbers) Box schemes
Many businesses sell boxes made up of individual items which represent good value i.e. vegetable boxes, hampers etc. The system can create box lists for and the sales and requirement reports contain both the boxes and their contents. i.e. 10 boxes which contain 1.5 kg of carrots would have 15kg of carrots added to the individually ordered carrot quantities.

This system was written for food retail and so, at moment VAT is included in the price. It is however calculated at every stage and the VAT component of every invoice is stored. We shall shortly be producing a non food retail version where VAT is applied to prices.
Each Invoice has an area for a standing delivery instruction, which is always printed, and space for a special instruction for this delivery only. An example of a standing delivery instruction would be "Leave in box behind the garage" and a special instruction would be "Leave with neighbour this week"
Each item line shows the quantity ordered, the quantity delivered, the price and also an individual comment which can contain both a customer request e.g. "No substitutes" and a message about the item from the packhouse e.g. "Sorry unavailable".
Depending on the customer, the invoice can show the outstanding debt from previously unpaid orders and any credit notes that may apply. This is normal for home delivery. Customers not having the debt displayed can have a statement issued whenever necessary.

Each invoice can carry 3 messages:
1) the individual customer message e.g. “Your special order has arrived”
2) the round message that everybody on the round gets e.g. “Your normal delivery will be delivered on Wednesday 23 December”
3) the all customer message e.g. "We will be closed between 24th Dec and Jan 6"
Packing lists
Each packing list has an area for both standing and special packers instructions, i.e. "No plastic packaging please!".
The packing list is printed in the same order as the items are stored so the packer does not have to retrace his/her steps. It also has space for an extra description for each article to help the packer. e.g. "Pink package"
There are marked areas for the packer to write in actual despatched quantities, packers comments and their initials for quality control.

Order entry/edit
An order is normally processed at least twice. The first time is when the order is initially taken from the customer and the second when the packing list returns from the pack house with the despatched quantities and comments. (For example, 1kg of carrots ordered by the customer may, once weighed, be 1.1kg) The order can be revised as often as required. The order can be edited in either “normal” order (which is the order in which it was first taken) or store order to match the order on the packing list.
The order entry screen is optimised for keyboard input but most functions have a choice of keystroke, mouse, toolbar or menu.
A customer is selected by a "shrinking list" of customer names, addresses, and round details, which displays all customers whose names match the letters typed in. After a few keystrokes the particular customer can be selected by the cursor keys.
Any number of orders for future delivery for a single customer can be held. Any such orders are listed with an option for a new order. Just select an existing order to edit or “New” to open a new order.
If a new order is created, the delivery date must be chosen from a list of delivery dates dependent on the delivery day(s) of the round(s) that a customer is on and any re-scheduling that may have been set.

Entering/editing order items is as simple as writing a list on a notepad. Just put the cursor at the bottom of the list and start typing. When a line is completed a new is created below. If something needs changing either use the cursor keys to move there or click on it with the mouse. Lines can be deleted or inserted anywhere in the order.
An item is added by first entering its code which fills in the most of the line with the description, and price (for the customers group). If code is unknown, type in a word plus enter. A list of all items containing that word will appear and the right article can be selected.
Then enter the quantity and, optionally, a discount, a comment and/or price override.
Auto complete the line with a default value of 1 (default quantity) or 1k (default weight 1kg) by pressing the space bar

Order quantities are flexible. Many vegetables are ordered by weight or number e.g. 5kg of tomatoes or 5 individual tomatoes. The system will allow either but will only allow a weight to be despatched. Similarly, it would not allow 5kg of tinned tomatoes to be ordered.
A pack quantity is indicated by an “x” and the pack price is then inserted into the price field.
Keyboard keys, F2 - F10, insert a pre-programmed comment into the line such as "Sorry not Available" and, optionally carry out a function such as "substitute," which inserts an empty line in the order ready for the substituted item. Other functions are "unavailable" and "partial" which (invisibly) mark the data so that unavailability reports can be provided later.

Every customer can have a standing order. Any order can be saved as the standing order, which can later be copied into the current order. Similarly the customer’s previous orders be viewed and if required, copied to the current order with price adjustment. An order can also be saved to the “order clipboard" which enables the order content to be copied to other orders or other customers.
All of the current customer details and all of the article details can be accessed via a single keystroke. In addition there is a customer “Post It” note, which is a prominent area where ongoing information about a customer is held. If a customer, for example, received damaged goods, and telephones to complain, details are entered in the “Post It” note. The next time the customer orders - the information is displayed prominently on the screen, allowing the order processing staff to respond appropriately. Once the problem is solved the message can be cleared and the “Post It” disappears.

If modem is connected the computer can be used to dial the customer’s telephone number. This is a useful method of contacting a customer if there is a query about the order.

The current invoice and packing list can be printed or previewed at any time.
Sometimes, in special circumstances, it is necessary to transfer an order to another round but without changing the customers normal delivery details. An order can be transferred to another round so that the paperwork is consistent.
Delivery management
Round delivery order
Every customer has a pre-assigned schedule number that indicates his or her position on a round. The round route or area is defined to suite the delivery logistics. This schedule number is used when preparing any lists that are to do with delivery. A round’s invoices, for example, are printed in round order so that the driver would find them in delivery order.
Round Reports
The contents of most reports are selected by round. If bread for example, is ordered every night for the next days delivery, you would only need a purchase requirement list for the rounds that are delivered the next day.

Control (Despatch) list
The control list is used for packing the van in reverse delivery order and contains a summary of the number and type of boxes for each customer so that they can be checked on loading.

Temporary re-scheduling of Rounds.
Delivery dates that occur on bank holidays can be easily altered or cancelled. This ensures that the operator can inform the customer of the revised date and that an order is not taken accidentally for the wrong date.
Commission Rounds
Rounds can be designated “commission rounds” where a third party can organise the delivery/ordering and be responsible for payment in return for a commission based on the value of orders on the round.
Orders are handled as normal but the debt is assigned to the “owner“ of the round who receives a summary and a special invoice.
Non Delivery Rounds
A round can be can be designated as order only which is a convenience for use with a shop. Customer's orders can be taken and packed but the order is checked out through the shop till.

Payment management

Outstanding debt from previous deliveries can be printed on the bottom of invoices to give a grand total.
Debt management
Each delivery generates a debt record that exists until cleared when payment is received. Single debts or accumulated debt from several invoices can be cleared with a single entry if the payment amount is correct. If the payment amount is incorrect, credit or partial debt can be carried forward. The payment type (credit card, cash, cheque and BACS)is also recorded which enables lists to be created for paying in and cross checking. This information is also available to external accounting programmes such as SAGE.
The total debt list can also be printed.
Credit notes
Many customers can simply be credited on their next order by entering a item code and a negative quantity and price and a few words of explanation. For other customers this may be unacceptable and others that do not order very often require separate credit notes. Credit notes are generated in a similar way to orders.
Periodic Debt Statements
Some customers prefer to pay on receipt of periodic statements that the system also provides. These customers do not have outstanding debts printed on the bottom of the invoices.

Customer activity statements
All customers invoices and payments can be listed together for any period to review a customers activity.
Debt Control
Customers with large outstanding debt can be prevented from ordering further by setting their status as bad debtor.

Purchasing from Suppliers
A Purchase order for a supplier can be prepared as easily as a customer order using your own codes or the supplier’s. A list of all products stocked by the supplier including their codes is checked so that items not stocked by the suppler can be accidentally ordered.
Automatically Generated Suppliers Orders
In the situation that a suppliers order only has to meet the demand from customers orders, it is possible to automatically create an order from the requirements list. For example a bread order for the next days deliveries

Requirements list.
The requirements list is a summary of all items ordered by customers, which have not yet been delivered. The details can be selected by article codes, supplier and round(s). Box items are optionally expanded so their contents are included as separate items.
Cross Reference list
The cross reference list is a list linking every item to a customer. The details are selected by article codes, supplier and round(s). This is used to add late arriving items to orders which have already been packed.

Loading control list
The loading control list is a list of customers in delivery order with the number of boxes, frozen, cool etc. for their delivery. It is used for loading the van and checking when delivering.
Delivery list
The delivery list is a list of customers addresses in delivery order with payment details for cash/cheque customers. It is used by the driver for payment taking.
Unavailability list
The unavailability list is a list of items marked Unavailable in the orders. It relies on the unavailability function being set for a dedicated text key substitution in the order processing function.
Article sales
Article sales is the number of sales, total value of sales and average sales price selected by article, dates, period (day, week, month) and customer type.
Credit Control.
Credit Control is a list of all credits that have been given in the selected period. Credits are normally the result of mistakes and so it enables performance to be monitored and weaknesses highlighted.
Zero Cost Check
The zero cost check lists all items that have zero costs but a non zero quantity. This checks that all weights have been entered from packing lists before the invoices are printed.

Customer Management
Customer Phone List
The customer phone list is a list of customers and telephone numbers who prefer to be called. The list also shows the way that they have ordered in the last 6 weeks.

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